URGENT! Our shelter is in crisis. The increase in dogs and cats has skyrocketed expenses. Public aid only covers 11% of the annual costs, and private donations are not enough. Our facilities are collapsing, and the animals are stressed. We owe over 10,000 euros to veterinarians, and the bills keep increasing. In May alone, we received 37 dogs. PLEASE, HELP US (donate, become a member, volunteer, or foster)

9 year(s) & 4 month(s) old

Contact with children : ?*
Contact with other cats : GOOD
Contact with dogs : ?
Contact with people : GOOD
Special needs :NO

Little Liam belonged to a colony in Alcañiz, one day the lady who looked after the colony seen that he had a massive wound behind his ear which was bleeding quite badly. Liam was brought to the local veterinary clinic where he was treated for his wound and placed on fluids as he was extremely dehydrated. Liam is now in the shelter recovering from this horrible ordeal, and despite this he is a sweet little cat. He can be a little nervous when you first approach him, but when you speak to him and let him know he is safe, he absolutely adores to be cuddled. Liam is a little old man cat of around 8 years old, he has had a rough life on the streets and in his appearance this can show, however he is the sweetest little man who only wishes for a home where he is loved, cuddled and where he can live out the rest of his life in a safe place.

Adoption costs for cats  : ADULT  120€ / KITTEN 60€ All animals available for adoption have a microchip and passport. They have been tested for common diseases (Leishmania for dogs, FeLV and FIV for cats). Adult animals are fully vaccinated and castrated.

* Until complete adaptation, adult supervision with small children is essential.