URGENT! Our shelter is in crisis. The increase in dogs and cats has skyrocketed expenses. Public aid only covers 11% of the annual costs, and private donations are not enough. Our facilities are collapsing, and the animals are stressed. We owe over 10,000 euros to veterinarians, and the bills keep increasing. In May alone, we received 37 dogs. PLEASE, HELP US (donate, become a member, volunteer, or foster)

KAPI 12 year(s) & 8 month(s) old

Life in a city/apartment : NO
Home without an exterior : NO
Contact with other dogs : NO
Life with cats : NO
Contact with children : NO
Need for daily exercise : LOW
Trauma : YES

History : Kapi’s sad look says it all: this handsome hunting dog has been at the shelter for several years. Kapi was rescued from his previous owners because they did not properly attend to his needs, perhaps this is why he is unfortunately very afraid of people. Even the caregivers who visit him regularly to administer medication do not inspire him confidence and he backs down when approached. However, Kapi has never behaved aggressively. Kapi’s past has left him with very deep scars, but especially now that the hairs around his nose are getting grayer, we wish him a cozy and quiet place with people who don’t demand much of him, but simply accept him as he is and, with proper care, give him peace, love and quiet in his old age.

Personality : Unfortunately, Kapi was diagnosed with inactive leishmaniasis and lupus, a non-contagious autoimmune disease that causes recurrent secondary infections and requires antibiotics, cortisone, and painkillers. Especially on his nose, Kapi’s skin is always rough and inflamed. Kapi is also submissive and fearful of his companions, which makes life in the shelter even more difficult for him. He doesn’t really want to move, just wants peace and quiet, a soft bed for his lupus-sore joints, and security. He would probably do better as a single dog in a quiet environment in his new home. If you want to know more about Kapi, do not hesitate to contact us.

Adoption costs for dogs  : ADULT 180€ / PUPPY 120€ All animals available for adoption have a microchip and passport. They have been tested for common diseases (Leishmania for dogs, FeLV and FIV for cats). Adult animals are fully vaccinated and castrated.

* Until complete adaptation, adult supervision with small children is essential.

** This means we have tested the dog with cats in the shelter and has shown no reactive behaviour, but this does not guarantee 100% compatibility with cats. Therefore, we always advise that cats and dogs are together only under surveillance.