URGENT! Our shelter is in crisis. The increase in dogs and cats has skyrocketed expenses. Public aid only covers 11% of the annual costs, and private donations are not enough. Our facilities are collapsing, and the animals are stressed. We owe over 10,000 euros to veterinarians, and the bills keep increasing. In May alone, we received 37 dogs. PLEASE, HELP US (donate, become a member, volunteer, or foster)

4 año(s) y 2 mes(es) . 52 CM

Joined the shelter : 15-01-2023
Life in a city/apartment : OK
Walk on leash : OK
Travel by car : ?
Home without an exterior :
Contact with other dogs : GOOD
Life with cats : ?
Contact with children : ?
Need for daily exercise : Medium
Health : OK
Trauma : NO
Special needs :

Dear Podenco friends, we present to you our beautiful Anton! Anton is an incredible example of overcoming challenges: he has learned and improved a lot in the shelter, and every day he makes more progress. But let’s start from the beginning. Anton was found with his friend Carmela looking for food on the streets of Castelserás. After observing them in these conditions for several days, it was clear that they needed help, but both were very afraid and wouldn’t let humans come near them. Therefore, a feeding point was set up, and after a while, they were caught with a trap and brought to the shelter.

Fortunately, those times of uncertainty and hunger are behind them now. Carmela is already in a foster home in Germany, and Anton is in the shelter waiting for someone to give him a chance. Since he arrived, Anton has shown interest in people, which has made it easy to work with him. With this good disposition, he quickly learned that he can trust people. For his caregivers, it’s a pleasure to work with him both because of his good disposition and his fun and cheerful character, which always brings a smile to our faces.

Since he arrived, we have been working with him little by little. From being a fearful dog that wouldn’t come close, he has come to enjoy being touched and petted: he even approaches and gently stretches his head to be caressed! A secret: he loves being petted behind his ears. So little by little, Anton has been building his trust in humans. Now he also accepts having a harness and leash put on and has already overcome his first walks. The first time we took him out of the shelter, he was a little unsure and poor thing didn’t quite know what to do, but the second time he was very happy to see the harness because he knew he was going “out.” He seemed more confident, sniffed everything he could, and clearly enjoyed his walk. Both with humans and during walks, he becomes more confident each time. If Anton has been able to improve so much in a place like the shelter, where he can hardly get any attention and the stress levels are very high, we are absolutely sure that he will do wonderfully when he has his own family!

We are also convinced that Anton will be a tender and affectionate companion and that he will greatly enjoy going on adventures with his family. However, Anton is still insecure and still has to learn how to live with humans, so he will need people capable of giving him calmness, confidence, and space to learn. However, Anton is proving day by day that he is totally ready to overcome himself in a family. He currently lives with a female dog and previously lived with his friend Carmela, to whom he was very close. Surely Anton would be happy to have a loving and confident female dog in his home. However, this is not essential, as long as his new family seeks spaces to socialize him with other dogs. Have you fallen in love with him yet? Get in touch with us!


All animals available for adoption have a microchip and passport. They have been tested for common diseases (Leishmania for dogs, FeLV and FIP for cats). Adult animals are fully vaccinated and castrated.

* Until complete adaptation, adult supervision with small children is essential.

** This means we have tested the dog with cats in the shelter and has shown no reactive behaviour, but this does not guarantee 100% compatibility with cats. Therefore, we always advise that cats and dogs are together only under surveillance.